Do you feel like you’re continually going to the bathroom? Do you feel like every time you sit down after like 10-15 minutes, you’ve got to rush back to the bathroom again?
If you’re urinating too frequently, make sure that you try these things. That can help you improve your bladder health and make you go to the bathroom less.
Having heard that drinking water is healthy, people drink more water. Most people go to the doctor and say “I can’t understand why I am going to the bathroom so much;” this is because they are drinking a lot of water. IF you’re bothered by it, it might be because you’re drinking a hundred ounces of water a day, so yes, it can help with weight loss yes, it can help you feel better. Hydration is great, but it is going to make you go to the bathroom. If you’re bothered you’ve got to pick your vice, you either drink a lot of water and be in the toilet all day or drink less and stay out of the bathroom
I’m not telling you to dehydrate yourself, the kidney foundation tells you to drink 64 ounces of water eight glasses of water a day, but that includes all the fluid you drink during the day so that includes any coffee, teas, juices, milk, sodas plus anything that’s in your food like oatmeal, soup, salad, vegetables, or fruit that have additional fluid in them you need to realize that all that’s contributing to that 64 ounces a day you need.
Caveat: This suggestion is for normal healthy people who don’t have other reasons to drink a lot of water. If you have kidney problems or kidney stones or other reasons to drink more please continue to do so.
Bladder irritants make you go more often; they can irritate the lining of your bladder and make you go more frequently. Those can include caffeine, coffee, tea, alcohol, soda, and there’s a bunch of other ones like spicy foods, citric acid, artificial sweeteners, and carbonated beverages. I have a full list below so go ahead and click on that to download it so you can have it for reference.
If you are overweight or obese – lose weight, I know it’s easy to say and hard to do, but losing weight can improve your bladder health. Studies have shown that losing 8 percent of your body weight will reduce the incidence of urinary frequency and urgency.incidence of urinary frequency and urgency.
Stop smoking seriously; just quit. Smoking is a bladder irritant, and it also causes bladder cancer, lung cancer, and COPD, and a whole bunch of medical problems, so just please quit right now and make sure you tell your doctors because we have tons of resources to help you if you want to quit smoking.
Manage your constipation because anatomically, the rectum is right behind the bladder. They are all in the same little house. So when the rectum gets full of stool, the bladder has less room to expand, and then it becomes more sensitive and more contractile. It makes you feel like you have to go more often, so if you clear out all that stool and have a regular normal bowel movement, you will empty your bladder a lot better, and not have to go so frequently.
Download your list of bladder irritants…
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